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Aspects of Web Page Development

Top Next Graphics

The following types of graphics can be included very inexpensively.

Customized graphics, including animated graphics, can be produced at an average cost of $60 per hour. (I would need to contract a graphics illustrator.)

[ Doors ]

[ Mail ]

[ Bomb ]

Prev Next Basic Graphics

The following graphics are examples of graphics that are available in a variety of colors, and can be included in your web pages at no extra cost to you (other than the minimal cost of coding the HTML).

[ Right arrow ]

[ Square ]

[ Small square ]

[ Ball ]

[ Orange Left ]

[ Orange Middle ]

[ Orange Right ]

[ Email ]

[ Horizontal Bar ]

[ Birdline ]

[ Owl ]

Prev Next Icons and Buttons

Icons and buttons help in navigation (for example, moving forward or back, up, or to other sections).

The following graphics are examples of icons and buttons.

[ Home Icon ]

[ Top of section ] Top of section

[ Previous section ] Previous section

[ Home ]

Prev Next Shareware

Shareware graphics are low-cost graphics, but are high quality. For example, Corel provides a vast library of graphics for $7 each.

Prev Next Photographs

Photographs can either be scanned in, or developed in Kodak CD format.

Prev Next Transparent Graphics

Transparent graphics have an invisible background so that the color or pattern of the page background shows through.

The following example shows the difference between a graphic with normal image background and a transparent graphic.

[ Earth, Normal Background on left, Transparent Background on right ]

Prev Next Maps (Hotspotted Graphics)

Maps are graphics that have hotspots added to them. Any graphic can be made into a map using MapThis (a shareware program).

Note: The following graphic is a client-side image map, and requires Netscape 3.0 (or other browser that supports HTML 3). Server processed maps (formatted for all browsers) require configuration of the server, and permission from the service provider.

[ Earth Map ]

Copyright © 1996 Jim Carrig

Mail me carrig@cybercom.net

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