This section illustrates the following types of elements that you can add to a form:
A text box is the simplest form element.
The following example shows a text box. Name: Radio Buttons
Radio buttons let you select only one item from a group of items. (Clicking one button automatically unclicks any other button in the group.)
The following example shows a set of radio buttons. Seldom Occasionally Frequently Checkboxes
Checkboxes let you select one or more items from a group of items.
The following example shows a set of checkboxes. Internet Magazine Newspaper Word of mouth Select Lists (Picklists)
A select list is either a pop-up list or a scrollable box with a specified number of lines showing.
The following example shows a pop-up select list. North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia
The following example shows a scrollable select list. North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Text Areas (Multiline Textboxes)
A text area is a scrollable text box.
The following example shows a text area.
Reset Buttons
A reset button clears all data entries in the form.
The following example shows a reset button. Submit Buttons
A submit button submits the form according to the action specified in the form definition. For example, the form designer can specify that the form be sent to a specified E-mail address.
The following example shows a submit button.