Final Thoughts on Cote d'Ivoire

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    Well after we left Kenoroba we went spent one whole day traveling back down to Abidjan. We took a taxi from the village to Korhogo and the took the bus form Korhogo to Abidjan. We were on transport for like 14 hours that day but we had a great time all the same. We stayed at a hotel in Abidjan right by the Peace Corps hostel that night and were going to go out for Indian food but it was too late. This really nice Lebanese man that Kareens know who owns a Shwarma restaurant and Internet cafe made us some shwarma's and drove us back to the hotel. He was a really nice guy.
       The next day we had to go exchange the rest of my travelers checks so we went from bank to bank and hotel to hotel trying to find some place that would do it. After a couple hours of no luck we went to the hotel that the tour company we had used runs out of and they were able to do it, thank god. We had planned to go to the beach if we had time so we went and found transport there. We were going to a coast town called Jaquville. The transport we found was wicked crowded and it was just a little van. It worked out just fine though. We had to take a ferry and another van to finally get to our Jaquville It was a peaceful little fishing village and it turns out were the only ones staying at the hotel when we got there. I guess it's the off season or maybe it's just the off year. We hung out there for one night and then made our way back to Abidjan where we did finally get some Indian food, which was incredible, and then we went to the airport for a very sad good-bye.
      I had the most amazing time on this trip. I experienced a whole other world than the one I am accustomed. I got to see so many cool things and meet so many amazing people and on top of all that I was visiting the girl I love, admire, and adore. Yeah, this one was a big winner!!!
     Now I would not recommend going to the Cote d'Ivoire for a relaxing vacation. It's tough there with the heat, the humidity, the food, the languages, the lack of personal safety you feel, and oh year of course the $1200 plane ticket.. But if you are looking for and adventure and your the kind of person that can deal with nothing going according to plan than by all mean take a trip and visit Kareen, I'm sure should would love to see you.
     I hope you enjoyed the site and if there are any error, typos, wrong facts, broken links, you know that sort of thing just e-mail me and I will fix them right up. Take care...

Photos of Cote d'Ivoire

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Cote d'Ivoire
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Cote d'Ivoire
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Cote d'Ivoire
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Cote d'Ivoire
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Cote d'Ivoire
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