The Vienna Circle

By the 1920's and 30's, this model of science was codified in a reform movement in philosophy known as "The Vienna Circle of Logical Positivists," or just "The Vienna Circle." The movement centered around the University of Vienna (its spiritual father was the physicist Ernst Mach who had died in 1916), and was directed toward creating a scientific philosophy and the elimination of what its advocates considered as "pseudo-propositions," including the propositions of metaphysics. Their position on conciousness is that thought and thereby conciousness is a productive function of the brain; and when the brain perishes conciousness ceases to be produced. To their satisfaction, the Mind-Body problem was solved.

The Vienna Circle in essence paved the way for the return of classical ontological-mechanical-materialism which states that consciousness has its orgin as the result of the interaction of systems of mindless elements of matter. Their position has rekindled the debate between DARWINIAN EVOLUTION THEORY and CREATIONISM that began in the 1880's, only now CREATIONISM cannot be dismissed so easily by its critics because it is driven not only by ideology but also by political power as well.


© 1996 by Paul Laffoley 36 Bromfield Street #200 Boston, MA 02108