
We are planning a symposium (lectures by video and a panel discussion) for one evening on the subject of Mind Physics. The symposium will be to define in as extensive a manner as possible the nature and limits of Mind Physics, while "Historicism" (an instance of the genetic fallacy - q.v. explaining a phenomenon away by reference to its origin) is naturally limiting. For instance, when Mind Physics was first conceived, it was driven by popular interest in the Spiriualist Movement of the late 19th century: ghosts, ectoplasm, seances, etc. During the Mid 20th Century, it was fringe science that held sway: variations on psychokinetic instrumentality such as psychotronics, radionics and radiesthetics - that is consciousness mass interactive devices that proclai the use of alternative forms of energy (odic, etheric, vrilic, orgonic, etc.) for the purpose of producing dowsing, "free energy motors", color healing, psychic healing, levitation, etc.

At the end of the 20th Century, it seems Mind Physics is being driven by a search for an explanation for: the near-death experience, lucid-dreaming, UFO's and the prospect of contact with extraterrestrials from our own and other dimensions. There must be, however, a theory of Mind Physics that can account for all these phenomena and be predictive of new phenomena. Our assumption is that Troland was on to such a theory and we will speculate as much as possible about its nature. Our results will be placed in our own time- capsule to be opened in the year 2050; so that those of the future can compare our ideas with those of Troland.


We are planning an exhibit of artworks in differing media: drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, installation, performance, poetry, etc., that have as subject-matter, content and imagery that is in someway related to the theory of Mind Physics.

A list of possible subject-matter might be:

  1. Ghosts: Phantoms (visible to all), apparitions (visible to only particular individuals), apports (objects that suddenly appear ex nihilo), occasions of mediumship, ectoplasmic emanations, poltergeists;
  2. Angels, genii, UFO's, extraterrestrials, OOPARTS (out-of-place artifacts), OFOD's (objects from other dimensions);
  3. Gods, godesses, demons, vampires, devas, archetypes, symbols, mythological beings, elementals;
  4. The Soul: psyche, pneuma, anima, nephesh, the individual human soul, the World-Soul, The Oversoul, the souls of animals and plants, parts of the soul: the chakras, acupuncture points and meridians, astral bodies (for the out-of- body experiences), auras, thought-forms, attached spirits;
  5. Tulpas, golems, automata (artificial intelligence), monsters;
  6. Levitations, higher and alternative dimensions, free energy sources, miracles, charisms: such as bilocation, stigmata, etc., religious relics that appear to have the attributes of consciousness.


In order to make the project understandable to the viewing public there will be the need for explanation displays covering the ways of grouping the artworks so that they can act as the source materials for the symposium.


  1. The Tulpodial Index or Spectrum: the tulpa is a Thibetan Buddhist term for the materialized "transformation body" (the tulku) from one lifetime to the next - the discovered reincarnation of a previously deceased person. In psychical research the tulpa has come to mean projections from the "Collective Unconscious" materialized into the ordinary physical world with 3 states:
    1. virtual state reality
    2. bioframe (an electromagnetic field which can be photographed)
    3. the so-called Zeroth Bioframe (full materialization).
    We are extending, therefore, the current definition of the tulpa in order to postulate the tulpoidal index:
  2. The Albedo - Nonalbedo Spectrum: This spectrum concerns three aspects of light which, while having differentiated characteristics, nevertheless, expresses or implies continuity.
    1. Albedo Light is the fraction of incident light or electromagnetic radiation that is reflected by the surface of a body. It is the appearance of light within an environment of mass, i.e. objects in space, point sources of photons, the principles of perspective etc.;
    2. Nonalbedo Light or The Lux is the light generated within an environment of consciousness. It is the light associated with visions, imaginings, daydreams, or nightdreams. The Lux does not appear necessarily to derive from a point source which is continuous with darkness. The Lux can appear completely distinct from darkness, occupying a volumetric extention which is both homogeneous and isotropic throughout that extention.
    3. Bioluminescence is the mediation between Albedo and Nonalbedo light.
    There is an emission of photons as in Albedo Light but without the point source of radiant heat like a star, flame, or electric discharge. It is the so-called "cold light" associated with some plants, animals, and humans. Human Bioluminescence is often considered to be evidence of the presence of a religious charism. Bioluminescence is produced in organisms when oxidative or peroxidative enzymes that couple the chemical energy released from the enzyme reaction, create an electrical excitation of a luminescent compound. The compound that is oxidated with subsequent light emission is usually referred to as luciferin. The enzyme which catalyzes the reation is known as luciferase. Now consider the concept of Ectoplasm - that substance which is self- luminescent, can be felt, and often has an odor of ozone. It exudes from various orifices of a trance medium producing materializations under the control of discarnate intelligences. It is described as matter which is invisible and impalpable in its primary state (the continuity between mass and consciousness), can become a charged plasma, a gas, a liquid or solid. It is in essence the materialized astral body of a person. Ectoplasm in its various forms can be described as Albedo, Nonalbedo, and Bioluminescent Light.
  3. The Repeatable - Non Repeatable Experiment Spectrum: In terms of the analysis of the subject matter for the exhibition, an important spectrum would be the determination of the suitability of the phenomena to the classical scientific experiment.
    1. The Open Repeatable Experiment available to all audiences is the goal of science (Methodological Sensation). While this has been the ideal of science, the practicality of science recognizes that it is impossible to control or obtain all of the identical circumstances that have made up the event-horizon of a defined experiment. Even if but one circumstance is different each time the experiment is attempted, there exists another experiment.
    2. The Non-Repeatable Experiment which The Symbolists derived from the Medieval Alchemists is, of course, another way of describing the process of creating an artwork. Not any artwork - The Visionary Artwork - the artwork that does not eschew the scientific impulse regardless of when it occured in history. The Visionary Artwork - the goal of The Symbolist agenda could be described as Methodological Revelation. The symbolists were the first group in recent history to call for a revival of what they called "Ancient Wisdom" - the transdisciplinary process of integrating all knowledge and in doing so revealing its own principles of organization - the continuity of "Methodological Sensation" with "Methodological Revelation" - true objectivity.
    Einstein knew that "Das Gedankenexperimenten" ("The Thought Experiment") derived from Delville's "Experiment Of The Imagination" would yield an advancement in knowledge because (as a type of Non Repeatable Experiment) there would always be some repeating of the circumstances and, therefore, the possibility of public communication of objectivity. It will be possible, therefore, to determine which aspects of the subjects we choose for the motifs for our artworks are best scrutinized by conventional science and which are not.
  4. In order to address the theme of the project in the most comprehensive manner possible, diversity of subjects for the artworks will be encouraged.


© 1996 by Paul Laffoley 36 Bromfield Street #200 Boston, MA 02108