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[ Hafid ]

Hafid loves life. And everyone loves Hafid!

I met Hafid on my first trip to Morocco when the group tour I was on stopped for lunch in Afourar, a small town in the Middle Atlas region. I seldom join group tours, but I had read some alarming reports about travel in Morocco. In fact, if you are not an experienced traveler, you can indeed get into trouble very quickly. Do not get the wrong idea. I have never experienced any problems. Some annoyances yes, some cultural differences, but never in fear of my life (unlike the feeling I can get in any city in the U.S.). Perhaps I have been fortunate, because I have always been accompanied by Moroccan friends.

My first impressions of Hafid were of a young undeveloped talent, even movie-star quality. A cowboy on a bicycle, with curly hair, and limitless energy. Perhaps because he was only 17 years old!

I really did not get to know Hafid until about my third visit to Morocco, partly because I had spent more time with his older brothers, and partly because he was “checking me out” waiting to see if I were trustworthy. (I passed the test.) Actually, I admire this quality in the friends I have in Morocco; they are concerned as much about my welfare as they are concerned about theirs.

This past visit was very illuminating. If you really want to know someone, travel together for more than one week! I learned a lot about myself, as well as a lot about my traveling companions! For example, I felt responsible for them. Two themes emerged in our travels: responsibility and respect. I felt responsible for both Hafid and Jamal. Even though they were in their own country, they had never been to the areas in which we were traveling, and I had already been in all the places we traveled to. I really cherish the frank conversations we had together.

Copyright © 1999 Jim Carrig

Mail me  carrig@cybercom.net

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