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Wow! Here is the legendary, controversial, perposterous and completely fake

"Interview with the Colonel."

It was the Major that insisted on us playing the tape at the Headquarters party.

The Major had a habit of sometimes taking his coffee break in the Message Center. It would get him away from his phone and he kind of like the music on my tape recorder. He came in one day when I was pretty well caught up on my work so I had spread the tape out on my desk and was doing some splicing. When he saw it on the desk he asked what it was. When I told him he got excited and wanted to hear what we had at that point. He loved it. That is when he thought it would be great at the party.
Gregg Terhune was responsible for setting up the sound system for the Battalion assembly on payday, and he also recorded the speeches. Then the idea came up to create a fake interview by taking quotes out of context and making up questions for them. That's me asking the questions.

It turned out good enough that somebody had the idea to play this for the whole Battalion at the Christmas party. Actually we got pretty scared about this idea. We didn't know if we might get shot at sunrise as a result! So we had the Major check it out for us and we got a green light if we took out the two dirty items (you can make almost any innocent statement sound dirty with the right question).

Well Gregg has the final version and I've been waiting for a digitized copy, but I just ran across an early copy I had that was not the final version and needed some editing. Thanks to the miracle of digital editing on a home computer, I've digitized it and cleaned up the clicks and pops from the primitive recording equipment we had in the barracks. I'm sure there were more gags in it, but this is pretty close.

So, until we have a copy of the actual final version, and now that the statute of limitations has run out, here is the copy I have. Enjoy
- Bill Bliss