Keith finishes his good bye letter. Brandon, sent by Gina to seek a wine bottle at the Capwells, releases CC and Mason from the cellar. Michael tells Julia that Mason has changed and does not like her as he once did. When Mason returns home, he asks Michael to leave. Sophia agrees to spend the evening with CC. After showering Gina with gifts, Keith prepares a candlelight dinner. They sleep together and after Gina falls asleep Keith leaves. Upon returning home, Eden and Cruz discover a macabre scene with a mannequin lying on the ground meant to be Eden...

In the early morning, Gina discovers the letter from Keith that Brandon had already read. An agent of the F.B.I. questions them where Keith might have fled. Michael refuses a donation from his father for the restoration of his parish. Julia, Sonny and Samantha walk along the beach then, once returning, discover Kris Kringle in their house. He calls Mason Sonny before disappearing mysteriously. Sonny goes to Gina where he asks her why he has memories of last Christmas with Julia and who he is really. Dr. Arthur Donnelly invites Victoria to dine at his place and embraces her. Eden tells Lydia that she is pregnant but makes her promise to maintain the secret. Cruz learns that fingerprints could be identified on the mannequin. He finds the suspect, but discovers that it is only the mannequin's manufacturer. During this time, Eden receives several calls from the rapist who is ready to attack again. Lieutenant Boswell, who remained with her, hears a noise outside. He comes out and is struck by an unknown person dressed in black. When Eden understands that the call that she receives is a recording, it is already too late: the rapist returned in the house...

Eden surprises her attacker with a weapon. But the arrival of Cruz distracts her and makes it possible for the rapist to escape. However Eden succeeded in wounding him while drawing blood that could be analyzed by the police. On the beach, Boswell stops Cain who, dressed in black and a hood in his hand, is bleeding on the arm. Heather surprises Julia in the arms of Michael at the time when this one had just stumbled of a scale. Victoria resists the advances of Arthur and ends up accepting his excuses. Arthur receives a visit from a nurse friend whose brother has AIDS. Sonny requests of Gina to arrange an appointment for him with Mason. Gina tells in Heather that Brandon was again a victim of split personality in order to obtain from her information on the methods of curing schizophrenia. She takes Sonny along to a hotel room and tells him to await Mason there. Thanks to a cassette that Gina plays during his sleep, Sonny thinks he is speaking with Mason who tells him that Sonny Sprockett was in fact his imaginary playmate when he was six years old. Eden receives a new call from the rapist. But he blunders while speaking about the color of the dressing gown which Eden is wearing. While searching the house, Cruz discovers there a camera which has spied on them for days and destroys it with a bullet of a gun...

Julia receives a telephone call from Sam Hastings who, by appointing her Attorney General, asks her to inquire into the departure of Keith. As Sonny still did not return, he goes to Gina with whom he was supposed to spend the evening, and discovers that Brandon transformed the Lockridge residence into a bed and breakfast. Sonny, in his delirium, obtains from Mason the ability to preserve his split personality, except in moments of intimacy with Julia. At the country club, Kelly and Sophia, arriving to play tennis together, run into T.J. At the same place, Ted is torn between Major Hamilton who propose a business trip with him in Mexico and CC who invites him to a vacation fishing in Idaho. Ted ends up accepting the proposal of the Major. T.J. benefits from the absence of Kelly to return a visit to Jeffrey. When Kelly finds out, she orders Jeffrey's nurse never to let T.J enter again. While returning with Sonny, Gina makes the key from a hotel room fall from his bag. Sonny swears to Julia that he did not mislead her. He receives then a visit from CC who proposes to him to come to join him at Capwell Enterprises. He is delighted on the telephone with Gina...

Sonny visits with Julia his new office at Capwell Enterprises. As Zack assures them that the pregnancy is going well, Eden and Cruz announce all to their family of the happy event to come. But noting that the five weeks of Eden's pregnancy coincides with the date of its rape, they all fear that the rapist could be the father of the baby. CC advises Cruz to consider an abortion. Vic Boswell informs Lydia Saunders of his suspicions on the guilt of Cain. Under cover of a report on the veterans of Vietnam, Cain goes at his place to carry out its survey. On returning home, Eden and Cruz make love for the first time since the rape...

Julia is made show by Gina to want to destroy his life like that of Brandon. She learns afterwards from CC that it is he who is behind the investigation on the embezzlements of Keith. He also plans to take away Brandon from Gina. At the clinic, Heather accomodates Carla, a sixteen year old who wishes to have an abortion. But Michael, while trying to dissuade her, frightens her and makes her flee. Bunny Tagliatti, accompanied by a bodyguard, arrives at Gina's. Obviously rich, he rents from Brandon the four rooms of the mansion. Jeffrey is sequestered by the rapist with the video which was introduced in its residence and pulls him from his wheelchair. When Kelly returns to him, the rapist brutally seizes her by the back...

C.C. and Sophia surprise the rapist who escapes. Kelly realizes that Jeffrey, who is taken to the hospital, is quite able to hear her and that he tried to inform of the danger while playing with the remote control of television. With new, he is threatened by T.J. in his room. Michael brings Carla to the hospital, who is bleeding after attempting an abortion on her own under bad conditions. Arthur succeeds in saving her, but reproaches Michael to be responsible for her state because he had been opposed to Heather dealing with it. Eden receives another telephone call from the rapist, but this time the call could be traced. Cruz, Eden, Vic and Lydia go in the warehouse of the video rapist. Eden discovers behind a curtain a shrine to her...

Eden again has a nightmare about her rape. She has visions of the rapist thereafter. After the Carla business, Michael called to Heather that he wishes to leave the priesthood. He announces his decision with the bishop, but the bishop refuses to accept it. He excuses his feelings for Julia and advises him to deal with Carla. Michael accepts to lead her to the catholic church Saint Cecile. Zack invites Heather to lunch. While C.C. hires a detective to find the rapist, Gina receives a notice to turn over to authorities her personal correspondence with Keith...

Sonny protests against the authority which Gina shows towards him. He then becomes acquainted then with Bunny of which he makes fun of his first name. This prompts Bunny to point a weapon on Sonny. But very quickly their animosity grows blurred and the two men have discovered a common passion: country music. Zack, Heather, Cruz and Eden dine at the Orient Express. Sophia asks C.C. to stop his personal investigation into the identity of the rapist and to leave it to the police. Eden and Cruz rent a room at the Capwell hotel for the evening. But during the night, Cruz hears noise and discovers that a rose was left in front of their door. Sophia returns to the hotel and closes the door behind her. But somebody opens the bolt of her room door...

Gina awakes Sonny so that he can go to Julia's office and find the file relating to him. Sonny destroys it in the shredder. Brandon, injured after a football accident, suggests that CC organize a fancy-dress ball to raise Eden's spirits. CC informs Sonny of his intention to transform this evening into trap for the rapist. He asks Heather to manage the funds obtained so that they go in a assistance center to the women victims of rape. Whereas Victoria is invited to the evening by Arthur Donnelly, Heather agrees to go there with Zack. Lydia Saunders obtains from Vic Boswell the criminal record of Cain. During this time, he leaves a message on the answering machine of Andrea where he says to her that he likes her. Gina receives a telephone call from Keith. Julia requests of Vic Boswell to put a monitoring bug on Gina's telephone.